Ramadhan is Coming......Are You Ready?
This Ramadhaan, I will sleep early, soo after Ishaa. I will go to bed with clear ad coscious itetio of fastig the ext day, as well as with the itetio of gettig up early for Tahajjud. The, while rememberig Allaah, I will fall asleep. I will get up well before Suhoor time, thakig Allaah for givig me life, offer Tahajjud ad the make special Duaa for the mercy of Allaah o our Ummah, His help for its success ad well beig, ad His iterferece to foil the plas of the eemy. I will also make special Duaa that Allaah protects my Ummah, my family ad me from the Dajjaal ad his Fitah.
Just for this moth, I will ot watch TV at all. My kowig of what is show i the ews does ot affect ay affairs of the world. Watchig the ews causes oly frustratio, despair ad axiety. If I do ot watch for a moth, it will ot have ay impact either o me, my Ummah or the world at large. I would rather sped the moth o my persoal improvemet, persoal spirituality ad buildig a close, persoal relatioship with Allaah, rather tha o a activity where I caot make ay differece. (Uless I am oe of those few Muslims who write letters, articles or op-ed pieces to TV producers / achors, paper editors / columists, politicias ad media i geeral to make Islamic poits or to stad up for the Ummah. If I am oe of those, I should cotiue this Jihaad i Ramadhaan).
While fastig, I will make a special effort to speak oly to add value ad to say oly what is true, factual, positive, meaigful ad useful. Whe I do ot have aythig good ad useful to talk about, istead of sayig aythig else, I will remember Allaah through the beautiful words taught by our Prophet, while payig attetio to their meaigs ad feelig the impact of the words o my heart, my mid, my thoughts ad my attitude. Or, if I do ot kow them, I will lear those words of remembrace or prayer. Or, I will sped those momets to recite the portios of the Quraan that I kow or learig those I do ot.
This Ramadhaan, I will be exceptioally charitable. My heart will be ameliorated ad my purse will be widely opeed, whe tears fill my eyes o seeig, hearig or thikig of the scees of devastatio, disease, starvatio, agoy, displacemet, killigs, blow up bodies ad severed limbs of poor, helpless people caused by ma-made disasters as i Afghaista, Palestie, Iraq, Chechya ad Kashmir or by atural disasters as i ew Orleas or i the areas hit by Tsuami. I will sed all my Zakaah for their help right at the begiig of Ramadhaan through trustworthy Islamic charities. I additio to my Zakaah, I will pay whatever I ca spare from my family's ecessities for helpig those i dire eed. If I have bee payig my Zakaah to my relatives, this Ramadhaan, I will help my relatives from my other savigs ad resources, so that I ca pay Zakaah to the victims of state terrorism or atural disasters. I will avoid spedig moey o my home decoratio or gettig ew clothes for 'Eed or buyig more video games ad toys for my childre, so that those who are i more eed tha me ad my family ca be helped. I will eve pay my Fitrah very early i Ramadhaan so that it ca reach those displaced from their homes before 'Eed ad before the weather becomes too cold.
Taqwa is the source of all virtues ad goodess. It is the catalyst that reforms a perso from iside. Oce a perso's paradigm shifts geuiely towards Taqwa, he embarks o a path of cotiuous self-improvemet. He moitors his ow thoughts, motives ad actios to esure that they remai pure ad aliged with the guidace of Islam. He becomes motivated, eager ad ethusiastic to do good, or rather excel, i his ethics, morals, dealigs, huma relatios, ad every aspect of his coduct i day to day life. He tries his best to avoid ay bad behaviour i ay affairs of life. Good actios please him. Mistakes give him axiety, i which case he immediately repets, seeks Allaah's forgiveess ad makes up for them by doig more good. He loves Allaah's creatios ad cares for them. He becomes geerous, gracious, forgivig ad kid. He becomes a champio for the rights of the weak, eglected, disadvataged ad persecuted people of the society. He courageously stads up ad struggles for the establishmet of justice, fairess, equity ad equality of all people. He dedicates himself selflessly, ever expectig or acceptig ay thig or ay beefit i retur because his goal is Allaah's pleasure, mercy ad forgiveess.
Post By: Zubia Kiran